Due to variations in monitor settings, First Smile assumes no responsibility and makes no guarantees regarding color matches of product or production, either within an order or in a reorder. We cannot guarantee that the colors displayed on our website will exactly match the color of the product or elements of any design. If you have any questions about a particular color or shade, please contact us prior to ordering for clarification.

Due to the nature of apparel manufacturing, we do not warranty or guarantee the consistency, color, texture or appearance of the actual apparel. Apparel fabric colors which are shown online are approximate only and may have variations in color, hue and tone, especially from one size group to another. Fabric colors represented on computer monitors may vary due to variations in computer screens, resolution, color, tone or any other display settings.


We make every effort to give you accurate information regarding vendorโ€™s reported sizing information and dimensions for our products in our size guides. Please note that due to the nature of the manufacturing process, from time to time product sizing may vary slightly. First Smile is not responsible for sizing variations in the manufacturing process.


Items that are overstock (from manufacturer/outlet store) factory has produced more goods than actually ordered. Sometimes they are errors due to specifications or cancelled orders. Products did not pass/undergo quality control and discarded for reprocessing or reselling at a lower cost. These items are not substandard or used. They use the same materials as the items that were fully marketed passed quality.

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